(719) 531-7527

Sending Mixed Messages

You probably can’t see it, but there are two signs in the photo above. The first is over the arch and says, “Health Department.” The second is down on the right side and says, “The Bar.” I saw this sign on a recent trip to Sydney and it totally cracked me up but then...

Big Shoes To Fill? Don’t Let That Stop You

When I think back over my life, there are many people who have had an impact on the man I am today. There were teachers (good and bad) who contributed to my desire to be a lifelong student, leaders of various groups who taught me what it is to be worth following and...

Looking Back – Looking Forward

I’m sitting in the Red Carpet Club at ORD (that’s O’Hare airport in Chicago for those of you who don’t know every major airport by its three letter moniker) and, since it’s a Sunday, I’m sharing the room with an eclectic bunch. I’m just flying home from a speaking...

To Give Is Better…

If you grew up in a typical American family like I did, you’re no doubt familiar with the adage that it is better to give than to receive. Hopefully you even believe it. I know I do. I am struck by the fact that giving always provides a greater return than receiving...

Listening To The Wind

I must admit – I’m kind of a technophile. I’m definitely an audiophile and, like my father before me, I’m something of an enophile as well. If you don’t know what an enophile is – have another glass of wine…it’ll come to you. I think I enjoy all...

Nothing Stays The Same

I’m flying home from another meeting this morning having spent the past few days at a 5-star resort in sunny Laguna Niguel. It afforded a great opportunity to spend time with some of my favorite people, see some doctors I hadn’t spent time with in years and make some...