(719) 531-7527

If you grew up in a typical American family like I did, you’re no doubt familiar with the adage that it is better to give than to receive. Hopefully you even believe it. I know I do. I am struck by the fact that giving always provides a greater return than receiving – both personally and in terms of building your business or practice brand. Marketers often call this “corporate conduct” or “corporate citizenship” and it relates to the way your company interacts with and “gives back” to your community and the world. This includes the conduct of your employees who, like it or not, represent you after the 5 O’Clock bell rings almost as truly as they represent you during business hours. This is especially true in these days when everyone is living their lives out online (but that’s a blog for another day.)

I have always resisted the temptation to draw a sharp line between the business and personal sides of my life. I don’t think it’s right to compartmentalize everything like that. I think the way to do something significant is just to do it – not to put it off for some day in the future. I guess that’s one of the reasons I worked as a worship leader in various churches for 20 years while building my business, why there is a VisionTrust International in addition to my company, VisionTrust Communications, and it’s also why anytime someone tells me they can act one way in business because “it’s business” and another way in their personal life, I don’t buy it. I believe the way your business interacts with the world is the way you interact with the world.

For me, one of the ways this manifests itself is that I see myself not so much as the owner of my business, but as the steward of my business. As the steward, I’m in charge of company assets – and that includes the staff. I encourage members of my team to bring their passion to work and then, together, we decide if we’ll put time, talent, money and energy toward those passions. That’s why, over the years, we’ve designed and managed websites to help rescue Springer Spaniels, designed brochures for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and why we all contribute to the work of VisionTrust International whose goal is to provide education, nutrition and spiritual care to kids in almost a dozen third-world countries throughout the world. (If you want to know more about the “other VisionTrust” you can check out their website at http://www.visiontrust.org.

I recently accepted a position on the Board of “Smile for a Lifetime,” an organization that gives away free orthodontic treatment for deserving kids right here in the US (www.s4l.org). If you’re an orthodontist that reads my blog, give me a call to discuss adding your practice as an S4L member. It’s a great way to give back. If you’re wondering why…refer back to the title of this blog:-)